ntracer Package

render Module

class BlockingRenderer([threads=-1])

A synchronous scene renderer.

By default, this class uses as many threads are the are processing cores. The scene can be drawn on any writable object supporting the buffer protocol. signal_abort() can be called from another thread to quit drawing early.


threads (integer) – The number of threads to use in addition to the thread from which it’s called. If -1, the number of extra threads will be one minus the number of processing cores of the machine.


Signal for the renderer to quit and return immediately.

If the renderer isn’t running, this does nothing.

render(dest, format, scene) → boolean

Render scene onto dest.

If the renderer is already running on another thread, an exception is thrown instead. Upon starting, the scene will be locked for writing.

The return value will be True unless the renderer quit before finishing because of a call to signal_abort(), in which case the return value will be False.

  • dest – An object supporting the buffer protocol to draw onto.

  • format (ImageFormat) – The dimensions and pixel format of dest.

  • scene (Scene) – The scene to draw.

class CallbackRenderer([threads=0])

An asynchronous scene renderer.

By default, this class uses as many threads are the are processing cores. The scene can be drawn on any writable object supporting the buffer protocol (such as bytearray) and a callback function is invoked when finished.


threads (integer) – The number of threads to use. If zero, the number of threads will equal the number of processing cores of the machine.


Signal for the renderer to quit and wait until all drawing has stopped and the scene has been unlocked.

The callback function passed to begin_render() will not be called if the renderer doesn’t finish drawing.

If the renderer isn’t running, this does nothing.

begin_render(dest, format, scene, callback)

Begin rendering scene onto dest.

If the renderer is already running, an exception is thrown instead. Upon starting, the scene will be locked for writing.

  • dest – An object supporting the buffer protocol to draw onto.

  • format (ImageFormat) – The dimensions and pixel format of dest.

  • scene (Scene) – The scene to draw.

  • callback – A function taking one parameter to call when rendering is done. The parameter will be the renderer itself.

class Channel(bit_size, f_r, f_g, f_b[, f_c=0, tfloat=False])

A representation of a color channel.

This is used by ImageFormat to specify how pixels are stored.

All colors are computed internally using three 32-bit floating point numbers, representing red, green and blue. An instance of Channel specifies how to convert a color to a component of the destination format. For a given color “c”, the output will be f_r*c.r + f_g*c.g + f_b*c.b + f_c and is clamped between 0 and 1. If tfloat is false, the value is multiplied by 2bit_size−1 and converted to an integer.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • bit_size (integer) – The number of bits the channel takes up. If tfloat is false, it can be between 1 and 31. If tfloat is true it must be 32.

  • f_r (number) – The red factor.

  • f_g (number) – The green factor.

  • f_b (number) – The blue factor.

  • f_c (number) – A constant to add.

  • tfloat (boolean) – Whether the channel is stored as an integer or floating point number.


The number of bits the channel takes up.


The red factor.


The green factor.


The blue factor.


A constant to add.


Whether the channel is stored as an integer or floating point number.

class ChannelList

The channels of an ImageFormat object.

This class can not be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class Color(r, g, b)

A red-green-blue triplet specifying a color.

For each component, zero represents its minimum value and one represents its maximum value. Therefore, Color(0,0,0) represents black, Color(1,1,1) represents white and Color(0,0,0.5) represents dark blue.

Although values outside of 0-1 are allowed, they are clipped to the normal range when finally drawn. Such values will, however, affect how reflections and transparency are calculated.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • r (number) – Red component

  • g (number) – Green component

  • b (number) – Blue component


Element-wise addition of two colors.

self.__add__(y) <==> self+y


Divide each element by a number or do element-wise division of two colors.

self.__div__(y) <==> self/y


self.__eq__(y) <==> self==y


Equivalent to [self.r,self.g,self.b].__getitem__.

self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


This always returns 3.

self.__len__() <==> len(self)


Multiply each element by a number or do element-wise multiplication of two colors.

self.__mul__(y) <==> self*y


self.__ne__(y) <==> self!=y


Negate each element.

self.__neg__() <==> -self


self.__repr__() <==> repr(self)


This is the same as __mul__().

self.__rmul__(y) <==> y*self


Element-wise subtraction of two colors.

self.__sub__(y) <==> self-y

apply(f) → Color

Return a color with the given function applied to each component.

Equivalent to: Color(*map(f,self))


f – A function or callable object that takes one number and returns a number.


Red component


Green component


Blue component

class ImageFormat(width, height, channels[, pitch=0, reversed=False])

The dimensions and pixel format of an image.

The pixel format is specified by one or more instances of Channel. Each channel describes how to convert a red-green-blue triplet into the associated pixel component and has a bit size. When drawing a pixel, a renderer will write each component, one after the other without leaving any gaps. However, each pixel will start on a new byte. If the last byte is not completely covered by the channels, the remaining bits will be set to zero.

The size of a pixel may not exceed 16 bytes (128 bits).

Some examples of pixel formats and their associated channel sequences:

24-bit RGB

[Channel(8,1,0,0), Channel(8,0,1,0), Channel(8,0,0,1)]

32-bit RGBA with full alpha

[Channel(8,1,0,0), Channel(8,0,1,0), Channel(8,0,0,1), Channel(8,0,0,0,1)]

16-bit 5-5-5 RGB (the last bit is unused)

[Channel(5,1,0,0), Channel(5,0,1,0), Channel(5,0,0,1)]

16-bit 5-6-5 RGB

[Channel(5,1,0,0), Channel(6,0,1,0), Channel(5,0,0,1)]

the native internal representation

[Channel(32,1,0,0,0,True), Channel(32,0,1,0,0,True), Channel(32,0,0,1,0,True)]

digital YCRCB (ITU-R BT.601 conversion)

[Channel(8,0.299,0.587,0.114,0.0625), Channel(8,-0.147,-0.289,0.436,0.5), Channel(8,0.615,-0.515,-0.1,0.5)]

16-bit brightness only


  • width (integer) – The width of the image in pixels.

  • height (integer) – The height of the image in pixels.

  • channels – An iterable containing one or more instances of Channel, describing the bit layout of a pixel.

  • pitch (integer) – The number of bytes per row. If zero is passed, it will be set to width times the byte width of one pixel (calculated from channels).

  • reversed (boolean) – If true, the bytes of each pixel will be written in reverse order. This is needed if storing pixels as little-endian words and the channels don’t fit neatly into bytes.


Replace the contents of channels.


channels – An iterable containing one or more instances of Channel, describing the bit layout of a pixel.


The width of the image in pixels.


The height of the image in pixels.


A read-only list-like object containing one or more instances of Channel, describing the bit layout of a pixel.


The number of bytes per row.


If true, the bytes of each pixel will be written in reverse order (like a little-endian word).


The byte size of one pixel.

This is the sum of the bit sizes of the channels, rounded up.

This attribute is read-only.

class LockedError(*args)

The exception thrown when attempting to modify a locked scene.

class Material(color[, opacity=1, reflectivity=0, specular_intensity=1, specular_exp=8, specular_color=(1, 1, 1)])

Specifies how light will interact with a primitive.

  • color – An instance of Color or a tuple with three numbers.

  • opacity (number) – A value between 0 and 1 specifying transparency.

  • reflectivity (number) – A value between 0 and 1 specifying reflectivity.

  • specular_intesity (number) – A value between 0 and 1 specifying the intensity of the specular highlight.

  • specular_exp (number) – The sharpness of the specular highlight.

  • specular_color – An instance of Color or a tuple with three numbers specifying the color of the specular highlight.


The diffuse color of the object.


A value between 0 and 1 specifying transparency.

0 mean completely transparent. 1 means completely opaque.


A value between 0 and 1 specifying reflectivity.

0 means does not reflect at all. 1 means 100% reflective. The color of the reflection is multiplied by color, thus if color is (1,0,0), the reflection will always be in shades of red.


A value between 0 and 1 specifying the maximum intensity of the specular highlight.


A value greater than 0 specifying the sharpness of the specular highlight.

The higher the value, the smaller the highlight will be. A value of 0 would cause the specular highlight to cover the entire surface of the object at maximum intensity.


The color of the specular highlight.

class Scene

A scene that Renderer can render.

Although not exposed to Python code, the scene class has a concept of locking. While a renderer is drawing a scene, the scene is locked. While locked, a scene cannot be modified. Attempting to do so will raise a LockedError exception.

This cannot be instantiated in Python code, not even as a base class.

calculate_color(x, y, width, height) → Color

Get the pixel color at a particular coordinate.

Coordinate 0,0 is the top left pixel and width-1,height-1 is the bottom right.

  • x (integer) – The horizontal coordinate component.

  • y (integer) – The vertical coordinate component.

  • width (integer) – The pixel width of the image.

  • height (integer) – The pixel height of the image.


Return a specialized (read: faster) tracer{dimension} version if it exists, otherwise return tracern.

The results are cached, so calling this function multiple times with the same parameter is fast. The cache does not increase the reference count and unloaded modules automatically remove themselves from the cache.

tracern Module

The ray-tracing and geometry code and objects.

You are unlikely to need to import this module directly. It will be loaded by wrapper.NTracer, which offers a more convenient interface.

Every function that takes a vector, can in addition to taking a Vector object, take a tuple of numbers or a matrix row (MatrixProxy). This however does not apply to operators (e.g. you can’t add a tuple and a Vector together).

class AABB(dimension[, start, end])

An axis-aligned bounding box.

This is not a displayable primitive, but is instead meant for spacial partitioning of the primitives.

  • dimension (integer) – The dimension of the box.

  • start (vector) – The lowest point of the box. It defaults to a vector where every element is set to the lowest finite value it can represent.

  • end (vector) – The highest point of the box. It defaults to a vector where every element is set to the highest finite value it can represent.

intersects(primitive) → boolean

Returns True if the box intersects the given object.

The object is only considered intersecting if some part of it is inside the box. Merely touching the box does not count.


primitive – The object to test intersection with. It must be an instance of PrimitivePrototype, not Primitive/PrimitiveBatch.

intersects_flat(primitive, skip) → boolean

Returns True if the box intersects the given simplex, ignoring one axis.

This method is identical to intersects() except it only accepts instances of TrianglePrototype and TriangleBatchPrototype and it disregards the axis skip. This is equivalent to testing against a simplex that has been extruded infinitely far in the positive and negative directions along that axis. The simplex or batch of simplexes must be flat along that axis (i.e. primitive.boundary.start[skip] == primitive.boundary.end[skip] must be true) for the return value to be correct.

This method is needed when a simplex is completely embedded in a split hyperplane and thus would fail the normal intersection test with any bounding box that the hyperplane divides.

left(axis, split) → AABB

Returns the lower part of this box split at split, along axis axis.

Equivalent to: AABB(self.start,self.end.set_c(axis,split))

  • axis (integer) – The numeric index of the axis.

  • split (number) – The location along the axis of the split. It must be inside the box.

right(axis, split) → AABB

Returns the upper part of this box split at split, along axis axis.

Equivalent to: AABB(self.start.set_c(axis,split),self.end)

  • axis (integer) – The numeric index of the axis.

  • split (number) – The location along the axis of the split. It must be inside the box.


The dimension of the box.


A vector specifying the maximum extent of the box.


A vector specifying the minimum extent of the box.

class BoxScene(dimension)

Bases: render.Scene

A very simple scene containing one hypercube.

The hypercube is centered at the origin and has a width of 2 along every axis. It’s not much to look at but it renders really fast.


dimension (integer) – The dimension of the scene.

get_camera() → Camera

Return a copy of the scene’s camera.


Set the scene’s camera to a copy of the provided value.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this function will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


Set the field of vision.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this function will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


fov – The new field of vision in radians.


The dimension of the scene.

This attribute is read-only.


The scene’s horizontal field of vision in radians.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_fov().


A boolean specifying whether or not the scene is locked.

This attribute cannot be modified in Python code.

class Camera(dimension)

A “camera” that maintains a local set of axes.

Note that the classes that depend on this expect the axes to be orthogonal and unit, but this is not enforced. If, for example, you rotate one axis, you will need to rotate the others the same way. The method normalize() is provided to correct small deviations.

When rendering a scene, only the order of the first three axes matter. The first points right, the second up, and the third forward. Rays are cast from the origin of the camera onto a 2-dimensional image, forming a 3-dimension frustum.


dimension (integer) – The dimension of the camera.


Adjust the values in axes so that every value is a unit vector and is orthogonal to each other.

The limited precision in floating point values means that every time the axes are transformed, they may deviate slightly in length and from being orthogonal. If multiple transformations are applied, the deviation can accumulate and become noticeable. This method will correct any deviation as long as all the axes remain linearly independent (otherwise the effect is undefined).


Move the camera using the local coordinate space.

Given camera c, this is equivalent to for i in range(c.dimension): c.origin += c.axes[i] * offset[i].


offset (vector) –


Rotate the camera using matrix m.


A sequence of vectors specifying the axes.


The dimension of the camera.


A vector specifying the location of the camera.

class CameraAxes

The axes of a Camera object.

This class can not be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

__setitem__(index, value)

self.__setitem__(i,v) <==> self[i]=v

class CompositeScene(boundary, data)

Bases: render.Scene

A scene that displays the contents of a k-d tree.

You normally don’t need to create this object directly, but instead call build_composite_scene().

  • boundary (AABB) – The axis-aligned bounding-box that encloses all the primitives of the scene.

  • data (KDNode) – The root node of a k-d tree.


Add a light to the scene.

The light will be added to global_lights or point_lights according to its type.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


light – An instance of GlobalLight or PointLight.

get_camera() → Camera

Return a copy of the scene’s camera.


Set the value of ambient_color

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


color – An instance of render.Color or a tuple with three numbers.

set_background(c1[, c2=c1, c3=c1, axis=1])

Set the values of bg1, bg2, bg3 and bg_gradient_axis.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.

  • c1 (color) – The new value for bg1.

  • c2 (color) – The new value for bg2.

  • c3 (color) – The new value for bg3.

  • axis (integer) – The new value for bg_gradient_axis. This must be a value between 0 and dimension−1.


Set the scene’s camera to a copy of the provided value.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


camera – An instance of Camera.


Set the value of camera_light

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


camera_light (boolean) – The new value.


Set the field of vision.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


fov (number) – The new field of vision in radians.


Set the value of max_reflect_depth.

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


depth (integer) – The new value.


Set the value of shadows

If the scene has been locked by a renderer, this method will raise a render.LockedError exception instead.


shadows (boolean) – The new value.


The color of the ambient light.

This light reaches all geometry unconditionally.

The default value is Color(0,0,0).

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_ambient_color().


The index of the axis along which the three color gradient of the background will run.

The default value is 1, corresponding to the y-axis.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_background().


The first color of the three color gradient of the background.

The default value is Color(1,1,1).

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_background().


The middle color of the three color gradient of the background.

The default value is Color(0,0,0).

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_background().


The last color of the three color gradient of the background.

The default value is Color(0,1,1).

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_background().


The AABB that encloses all the primitives of the scene.

This attribute is read-only.


A boolean specifying whether surfaces will be lit if they face the camera.

This is equivalent to having an instance of GlobalLight with GlobalLight.color set to Color(1,1,1) and GlobalLight.direction set to the direction that the camera is facing, except this light never casts shadows.

The default value is True.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_camera_light().


The dimension of the scene.

This attribute is read-only.


The scene’s horizontal field of vision in radians.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_fov().


A list-like object containing intances of GlobalLight.

See GlobalLightList for details.


A boolean specifying whether or not the scene is locked.

This attribute is read-only.


The maximum number of times a ray is allowed to bounce.

The default value is 4.

Recursive reflections require shooting rays multiple times per pixel, thus lower values can improve performance at the cost of image quality. A value of 0 disables reflections altogether.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_max_reflect_depth().


A list-like object containing instances of PointLight.

See PointLightList for details.


The root node of a k-d tree.

This attribute is read-only.


A boolean specifying whether objects will cast shadows.

Note: this only applies to lights explicitly added, not the default camera light (see camera_light).

The default value is False.

This attribute is read-only. To modify the value, use set_shadows().

class FrozenVectorView

A read-only sequence of vectors.

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class GlobalLight(direction, color)

A light whose source is infinitely far from the scene’s origin.

This is an approximation of a distant light source such as the sun.

  • direction (vector) – The direction that the light’s rays travel (i.e. the light will be located at -\text{direction} \times \infty).

  • color – The light’s color. This can be an instance of render.Color or a tuple with three numbers.


The light’s color.


The dimension of direction.


The direction that the light’s rays travel (i.e. the light source will be located at -\text{direction} \times \infty).

class GlobalLightList

An array of GlobalLight objects.

An instance of this class is tied to a specific CompositeScene instance. Any attempt to modify an instance of this class while the scene is locked will cause an exception to be raised.

Since the order of lights is not important, when deleting an element, instead of shifting all subsequent elements back, the gap is filled with the last element (unless the last element is the one being deleted).

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

__setitem__(index, value)

self.__setitem__(i,v) <==> self[i]=v


Add a light.


Add lights from an iterable object.

class KDBranch(axis, split[, left=None, right=None])

Bases: KDNode

A k-d tree branch node.

One of left and right may be None, but not both.


In order to minimize the amount of space that k-d tree nodes take up in memory (and therefore maximize the speed at which they can be traversed), the nodes are not stored internally as Python objects nor contain references to their Python representations. Accessing left or right will cause a new Python object to be created each time, to encapsulate the child node, therefore e.g. given node n: the satement “n.left is n.left” will evaluate to False.

  • axis (integer) – The axis that the split hyper-plane is perpendicular to.

  • split (number) – The location along the axis where the split occurs.

  • left (KDNode) – The left node (< split) or None.

  • right (KDNode) – The right node (>= split) or None.


The axis that the split hyper-plane is perpendicular to.


The dimension of the branch’s nodes.


The left node (< split) or None.


The right node (>= split) or None.


The location along the axis where the split occurs.

class KDLeaf(primitives)

Bases: KDNode

A k-d tree leaf node.

This acts as a container for one or more primitives.

Instances of this class are read-only.


primitives (iterable) – An iterable of Primitive objects. If BATCH_SIZE is greater than 1, the iterable can also yield instances of PrimitiveBatch.


Return the index’th primitive or primitive batch.

Note that the order the primitives/batches are stored in will not necessarily match the order given to the constructor.

self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)


The dimension of the primitives.

All the primitives are required to have the same dimension.

class KDNode

A k-d tree node.

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.

intersects(origin, direction[, t_near, t_far, source, batch_index]) → list

Tests whether a given ray intersects.

The return value is a list containing an instance of RayIntersection for every intersection that occured. Multiple intersections can occur when the ray passes through primitives that have an opacity of less than one. If an opaque primitive is intersected, it will always be the last element and have the greatest distance, but every other element will be in an arbitrary order and may contain duplicates (this can happen when a primitive crosses a split pane). If no intersection occurs, the return value will be an empty list.

  • origin (vector) – The origin of the ray.

  • direction (vector) – The direction of the ray.

  • t_near (number) –

  • t_far (number) –

  • source (Primitive or PrimitiveBatch) – A primitive that will not be considered for intersection.

  • batch_index (integer) – The index of the primitive inside the primitive batch to ignore intersection with. If source is not an instance of PrimitiveBatch, this value is ignored.

occludes(origin, direction[, distance, t_near, t_far, source, batch_index]) → tuple

Test if origin + direction*distance is occluded by any primitives.

If an opaque object exists at any point along distance, the return value is (True,None). Otherwise the return value is a tuple containing False and a list containing an instance of RayIntersection for every non-opaque primitive found along distance. The elements will be in an arbitrary order and may contain duplicates (this can happen when a primitive crosses a split pane).

  • origin (vector) – The origin of the ray.

  • direction (vector) – The direction of the ray.

  • distance (number) – How far out to check for intersections.

  • t_near (number) –

  • t_far (number) –

  • source (Primitive or PrimitiveBatch) – A primitive that will not be considered for intersection.

  • batch_index (integer) – The index of the primitive inside the primitive batch to ignore intersection with. If source is not an instance of PrimitiveBatch, this value is ignored.

class Matrix(dimension, values)

A square matrix.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • dimension (integer) – The dimension of the matrix.

  • values – Either a sequence of dimension sequences of dimension numbers or a sequence of dimension2 numbers.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]

The elements of Matrix are its rows.


Returns the number of rows.

This is always equal to dimension.

self.__len__() <==> len(self)


self.__mul__(y) <==> self*y

determinant() → float

Compute the determinant of the matrix.

inverse() → Matrix

Compute the inverse of the matrix.

If the matrix is singular (cannot be inverted), an exception is thrown.

transpose() → Matrix

Return the transpose of the matrix.

static identity(dimension) → Matrix

Create an identity matrix.


dimension – The dimension of the new matrix.

static reflection(axis) → Matrix

Create a reflection matrix.

The refection is by a hyperplane perpendicular to axis that passes through the origin.


axis (vector) – The axis to reflect along.

static rotation(a, b, theta) → Matrix

Create a rotation matrix along the plane defined by the linearly-independent vectors: a and b.

The ability to unambiguously describe a plane with one vector is only present in 3-space, thus instead of taking one perpendicular vector, this method takes two coplanar vectors.

The resulting matrix M is such that M * p is equal to:

(\mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{a})(\mathbf{a}(\cos \theta - 1) -
\mathbf{b} \sin \theta) + (\mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{b})(\mathbf{b}
(\cos \theta - 1) + \mathbf{a} \sin \theta) + \mathbf{p}

  • a (vector) –

  • b (vector) –

  • theta (number) – The rotation amount in radians.

static scale(...) → Matrix

Creates a scale matrix.

This method takes either two numbers or one vector. If numbers are supplied, the numbers must be the dimension of the matrix followed by a magnitude, and the return value will be a uniform scale matrix. If a vector is supplied, a non-uniform scale matrix will be returned, where the vector components will correspond to the scaling factors of each axis.


The dimension of the matrix.


All the matrix elements as a flat sequence

class MatrixProxy

A sequence of matrix values.

This type is returned by Matrix.__getitem__() and Matrix.values.

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class PointLight(position, color)

A light source that emits light uniformly in every direction from a given point.

color represents not only the light’s color, but its brightness, too, thus its r g b components may be much greater than 1.

The intensity of the light at a given point depends on the distance from position and is given by the formula:

\text{color} \times \frac{1}{\text{distance}^{\text{dimension} - 1}}

  • position (vector) – The position of the light.

  • color – The light’s color multiplied by its brightness. This can be an instance of render.Color or a tuple with three numbers.


The light’s color multiplied by its brightness.


The dimension of position.


The position of the light.

class PointLightList

An array of PointLight objects.

An instance of this class is tied to a specific CompositeScene instance. Any attempt to modify an instance of this class while the scene is locked will cause an exception to be raised.

Since the order of lights is not important, when deleting an element, instead of shifting all subsequent elements back, the gap is filled with the last element (unless the last element is the one being deleted).

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

__setitem__(index, value)

self.__setitem__(i,v) <==> self[i]=v


Add a light.


Add lights from an iterable object.

class Primitive

A geometric primitive that can be used to construct scenes for the ray-tracer.

Descendants of this class are used in highly optimized multi-threaded C++ code, thus this class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code, not even as a base class for another class.

intersects(origin, direction) → RayIntersection or None

Tests whether a given ray intersects.

If the ray intersects with the object, an instance of RayIntersection is returned with the details of the intersection. Otherwise, the return value is None.

  • origin – The origin of the ray.

  • direction – The direction of the ray.


The material of the primitive.

class PrimitiveBatch

A batch of primitives with data rearranged for faster computation.

intersects(origin, direction, index) → RayIntersection or None

Tests whether a given ray intersects.

If the ray intersects with the object, an instance of RayIntersection is returned with the details of the intersection. Otherwise, the return value is None.

  • origin – The origin of the ray.

  • direction – The direction of the ray.

  • index (integer) – The index specifying which primitive in the batch should not be considered for intersection, or -1 if all primitives should be considered.


A read-only sequence containing the materials of the primitives.

class PrimitivePrototype

A primitive with extra data needed for quick spacial partitioning.

This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


The AABB of the primitive.


The corresponding Primitive or PrimitiveBatch.

class RayIntersection(dist, origin, normal, primitive[, batch_index=-1])

The details of an intersection between a ray and a primitive.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • dist (number) – The distance between the origin of the ray and the point of intersection.

  • origin (vector) – The point where the ray intersected the primitive.

  • normal (vector) – The normal of the surface of the primitive at the point of intersection.

  • primitive – The Primitive or PrimitiveBatch that the ray intersected.

  • batch_index (integer) – The index indicating which primitive in the batch was intersected or -1 if the primitive is not an instance of PrimitiveBatch.


The distance between the origin of the ray and the point of intersection.


The point where the ray intersected the primitive.


The normal of the surface of the primitive at the point of intersection.


The Primitive or PrimitiveBatch that the ray intersected.


The index indicating which primitive in the batch was intersected.

If primitive is not an instance of PrimitiveBatch then this will have a value of -1.

class Solid(type, position, orientation, material)

Bases: Primitive

A non-flat geometric primitive.

It is either a hypercube or a hypersphere.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • type – The type of solid: either wrapper.CUBE or wrapper.SPHERE.

  • position (vector) – The position of the solid.

  • orientation (Matrix) – A transformation matrix. The matrix must be invertable.

  • material (render.Material) – A material to apply to the solid.


The dimension of the solid.


The inverse of orientation


A transformation matrix applied to the solid.


A vector specifying the position of the solid.


The type of solid: either wrapper.CUBE or wrapper.SPHERE

class SolidPrototype(type, position, orientation, material)

Bases: PrimitivePrototype

A solid with extra data needed for quick spacial partitioning.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • type – The type of solid: either wrapper.CUBE or wrapper.SPHERE.

  • position (vector) – The position of the solid.

  • orientation (Matrix) – A transformation matrix. The matrix must be invertable.

  • material (render.Material) – A material to apply to the solid.


The dimension of the solid.


The inverse of orientation


The material of the primitive.


A transformation matrix applied to the solid.


A vector specifying the position of the solid.


The type of solid: either wrapper.CUBE or wrapper.SPHERE.

class Triangle(p1, face_normal, edge_normals, material)

Bases: Primitive

A simplex of codimension 1.

Note: it is unlikely that you will need to call this constructor directly. It requires very specific values that from_points() can calculate for you.

Despite the name, this is only a triangle in 3-space. Although this serves as an analogue to a triangle. Even with more than 3 dimensions, this shape is always flat. Rays will intersect the body of the simplex and not it’s perimeter/hull.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • p1 (vector) –

  • face_normal (vector) –

  • edge_normals (iterable) –

  • material (render.Material) – A material to apply to the simplex.

static from_points(points, material) → Triangle

Create a Triangle object from the vertices of the simplex.

  • points – A sequence of vectors specifying the vertices. The number of vectors must equal their dimension.

  • material (render.Material) – A material to apply to the simplex.

to_points() → tuple

Calculate the vertices of the simplex.

If the simplex was created from vertices, it’s better to save those vertices than to recalculate them with this method. The values returned by this method will not be exactly the same as those supplied to from_points(), do to limited precision.


A value that equals -\text{face\_normal} \cdot \text{p1}

This is simply a pre-computed value needed by the ray-tracer.


The dimension of the simplex’s coordinates.

This is always one greater than the dimension of the simplex. It corresponds to the dimension of the space it can occupy.


The normals of the “edges” adjacent to p1.

Here, “edge” actually means a simplex of codimension 2. This attribute is a list-like object containing the normals of every “edge” except for the one on the opposite side of p1. Each normal has a length equal to the inverse of the altitude of the “triangle”, where the “edge” is the base of the “triangle”. The normals point away from the “triangle”.


The normal of the “triangle”.

If points is the list of vectors representing each point of this “triangle”, then face_normal is equal to cross([p - points[0] for p in points[1:]]).


A vertex of the simplex.

Due to the way the ray-simplex intersection code works, this is the only point that’s kept.

class TriangleBatch(triangles)

Bases: PrimitiveBatch

A batch of simplexes with data rearranged for faster computation.

Instances of this class are read-only.


triangles – An iterable yielding exactly BATCH_SIZE instances of Triangle


Extract the index’th simplex.

self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


Return the number of simplexes in the batch.

This is always equal BATCH_SIZE.

self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class TriangleBatchPointData

A read-only sequence of TriangleBatchPointDatum instances.

Instances of this class are read-only. This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class TriangleBatchPointDatum

Instances of this class are read-only. This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


Vertices of a batch of simplexes.

class TriangleBatchPrototype(t_prototypes)

Bases: PrimitivePrototype

A batch of simplexes with extra data needed for quick spacial partitioning.

This is the batch equivalent to TrianglePrototype

Instances of this class are read-only.


t_prototypes – An iterable yielding exactly BATCH_SIZE instances of TrianglePrototype. Alternatively, this can be an instance of TriangleBatch but this is not the recommended way of creating instanced of this class.


The dimension of the simplexes.

This is a single value since the simplexes must all have the same dimension.

class TrianglePointData

A read-only sequence of TrianglePointDatum instances.

Instances of this class are read-only. This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


self.__len__() <==> len(self)

class TrianglePointDatum

Instances of this class are read-only. This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


A simplex vertex.

class TrianglePrototype(points[, material])

Bases: PrimitivePrototype

A simplex with extra data needed for quick spacial partitioning.

Unlike the Triangle class, this keeps the vertices that make up the simplex.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • points – A sequence of vectors specifying the vertices of the simplex. The number of vectors must equal their dimension. Alternatively, this can be an instance of Triangle but this is not the recommended way of creating instanced of this class.

  • material (render.Material) – A material to apply to the simplex. If points is an instance of Triangle, this parameter must be None or omitted. Otherwise it is required.


Has the same meaning as Triangle.dimension.

class Vector(dimension[, values])

A vector class for representing positions and directions.

Instances of this class are read-only.

  • dimension (integer) – The dimension of the vector.

  • values – A sequence of dimension numbers. If omitted, all elements of the vector will be zero.


Return the magnitude of the vector.

This is the same as absolute().

self.__abs__() <==> abs(self)


self.__add__(y) <==> self+y


Divide every element of the vector by b.

self.__div__(y) <==> self/y


self.__eq__(y) <==> self==y


self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


Return the vector size.

This is always equal to dimension.

self.__len__() <==> len(self)


Multiply every element of the vector with b.

This is only for scalar products. For vector products, see dot() and cross().

self.__mul__(y) <==> self*y


self.__ne__(y) <==> self!=y


self.__neg__() <==> -self


self.__repr__() <==> repr(self)


This is the same as __mul__().

self.__rmul__(y) <==> y*self


self.__str__() <==> str(self)


self.__sub__(y) <==> self-y

absolute() → float

Return the magnitude of the vector.

This is the same as __abs__().

apply(f) → Vector

Return a vector with the given function applied to each value.

Equivalent to: Vector(self.dimension,map(f,self))


f – A function or callable object that takes one number and returns a number.

set_c(index, value) → Vector

Return a copy of the vector with the index’th item replaced with value.

square() → float

Return the magnitude squared of the vector.

Equivalent to: dot(self,self)

unit() → Vector

Return the corresponding unit vector.

Equivalent to: self / self.absolute()

static axis(dimension, axis[, length=1]) → Vector

Create an axis vector.

Every element of the vector will be zero, except the element at axis, which will be length.


The dimension of the vector.

class VectorBatch

A batch of vectors with data rearranged for faster computation.

Instances of this class are read-only. This class cannot be instantiated directly in Python code.


Extract the index’th vector from the batch.

self.__getitem__(i) <==> self[i]


Return the number of vectors in the batch.

This should not be confused with the length of the vectors themselves.

This is always equal to BATCH_SIZE.

self.__len__() <==> len(self)

build_composite_scene(primitives[, extra_threads=-1, *, update_primitives=False]) → CompositeScene

Create a scene from a sequence of PrimitivePrototype instances.

If BATCH_SIZE is greater than 1, instances of TrianglePrototype will be automatically merged into instances of TriangleBatchPrototype. If BATCH_SIZE is equal to 1, then primitives cannot contain any instances of TriangleBatchPrototype.

By default, this will use all available processing cores to build the scene, but this can be controlled by passing a non-negative integer to extra_threads (a value of zero would make it run single-threaded). Note that fewer threads may be used if the resulting k-d tree is too shallow.

  • primitives (iterable) – One or more instances of PrimitivePrototype.

  • extra_threads (integer) – How many extra threads to use or -1 to use as many extra threads as there are extra processing cores.

  • update_primitives (boolean) – If true, primitives must be an instance of list and will be updated to contain the actual primitive prototypes used, with the TriangleBatchPrototype instances added and with their un-batched counterparts removed.

build_kdtree(primitives[, extra_threads=-1, *, update_primitives=False]) → tuple

Create a k-d tree from a sequence of PrimitivePrototype instances.

The return value is a tuple containing an instance of AABB followed by the root node of k-d tree (an instance of KDNode). The AABB encloses all the primitives from primitives. The tuple’s values can be passed directly to CompositeScene (which is exactly what build_composite_scene() does).

If BATCH_SIZE is greater than 1, instances of TrianglePrototype will be automatically merged into instances of TriangleBatchPrototype. If BATCH_SIZE is equal to 1, then primitives cannot contain any instances of TriangleBatchPrototype.

By default, this will use all available processing cores to build the tree, but this can be controlled by passing a non-negative integer to extra_threads (a value of zero would make it run single-threaded). Note that fewer threads may be used if the resulting tree is too shallow.

  • primitives (sequence) – One or more instances of PrimitivePrototype.

  • extra_threads (integer) – How many extra threads to use or -1 to use as many extra threads as there are extra processing cores.

  • update_primitives (boolean) – If true, primitives must be an instance of list and will be updated to contain the actual primtive prototypes used, with the TriangleBatchPrototype instances added and with their un-batched counterparts removed.

cross(vectors) → Vector

A generalized cross product.

This returns a vector that is perpendicular to every vector in vectors. The magnitude is equal to the volume of the parallelotope (the generalized version of the parallelepiped) that the vectors span.


vectors – A sequence of linearly independent vectors. The number of vectors must be one less than their dimension.

dot(a, b) → float

Compute the dot product of two vectors.

screen_coord_to_ray(cam, x, y, w, h, fov) → Vector

Create the same direction vector for camera cam, that BoxScene and CompositeScene create when calling render.Scene.calculate_color().

  • cam (Camera) – The camera.

  • x (float) – The x coordinate.

  • y (float) – The y coordinate.

  • w (integer) – The width.

  • h (integer) – The height.

  • fov (float) – The vertical field of view in radians.


The number of objects that batch objects group.

On hardware that has SIMD registers, certain operations can be performed more efficiently if data from multiple objects is rearranged so that every numeric value is followed the equivalent value in the next object, up to the number of values that a SIMD register can hold, thus the existence of “batch” objects. This constant refers to the number of non-batch objects that a batch object is equivalent to, as well as the number of floating-point values that the largest SIMD register can hold. Note that even if run on a machine that has larger registers, the ray tracer will only be able to take advantage of the largest registers of the instruction set that this package was compiled for (when compiling from source, the latest instruction set that the current machine supports, is chosen by default).

The source code of this package supports SSE and AVX (including AVX2 and AVX512). If this package is compiled for an instruction set that supports neither of these technologies, BATCH_SIZE will be equal to 1. In such a case, KDLeaf won’t support instances of PrimitiveBatch (passing instances of PrimitiveBatch to its constructor will cause an exception to be raised) so that the ray tracer can be streamlined. The batch classes will still exist, however, for the sake of compatibility.

Most users will not have to worry about the value of BATCH_SIZE or batch objects since build_composite_scene() (and build_kdtree()) will automatically combine instances of TrianglePrototype into TriangleBatchPrototype when beneficial.

wrapper Module

class NTracer(dimension)

A helper class that simplifies the creation of multiple objects with the same dimension.

An instance contains all the same values that tracern has, except every class that has a method with a dimension parameter is subclassed so that parameter is filled in automatically. Additionally, the constructors for tracern.Vector and tracern.Matrix are modified to accept multiple parameters as an alternative to a sequence of values. e.g.: NTracer(3).Vector([1,2,3]) can also be written as NTracer(3).Vector(1,2,3).

An instance of NTracer imports from a specialized (read: faster) tracer{dimension} version if it exists, and falls back to tracern otherwise.

Instances of NTracer are cached, so invoking NTracer while another instance with the same dimension already exists, will simply give you the first instance (unless force_generic is given a value of True).

  • dimension (integer) – The value that will be automatically given to any function/method/constructor that requires a dimension parameter.

  • force_generic (boolean) – If True, tracern will be used even if a specialized version exists. This is mainly for testing.


A constant that can be passed to tracern.Solid’s constructor to create a hypercube.


A constant that can be passed to tracern.Solid’s constructor to create a hypersphere.

pygame_render Module

class PygameRenderer(threads=0)

Bases: render.CallbackRenderer

A renderer for Pygame surfaces.

The scene is drawn onto a pygame.Surface object and upon completion, sends a Pygame event of type ON_COMPLETE with a source attribute set to the instance of the renderer, and surface and scene attributes with the surface and scene that were passed to begin_render().

Note: the renderer does not honor clipping areas or subsurface boundaries (it will always draw onto the entire surface) and indexed color modes (all 8-bit color modes are indexed) are not supported.


threads (integer) – The number of threads to use. If zero, the number of threads will equal the number of processing cores of the machine.

begin_render(surface, scene)

Begin rendering scene onto dest.

If the renderer is already running, an exception is thrown instead. Upon starting, the scene will be locked for writing.

  • dest (pygame.Surface) – A surface to draw onto.

  • scene (render.Scene) – The scene to draw.


The Pygame event type that will be sent when rendering is finished.

This is set to pygame.USEREVENT initially, but can be set to any value between pygame.USEREVENT and pygame.NUMEVENTS to avoid conflicts with other producers of events.


Create a list of render.Channel objects that match the pixel format of surface.

Note: indexed color modes (all 8-bit color modes are indexed) are not supported.



An instance of pygame.Surface.

wavefront_obj Module

exception FileFormatError
load_obj(file, nt=None)

tracer3, tracer4, tracer5, ... Modules

Depending on how this package was built, there will be one or more modules that start with “tracer” and end in a number (by default, one for every number between 3 and 8 inclusive). These have an interface identical to tracern, including the dimension parameter of certain functions, but are specialized for the dimensionality corresponding to the number in its name. For functions that require a dimension parameter, passing a number other than the one its specialized for, will raise an exception.

By only supporting a single dimensionality, these specialized modules avoid the looping and heap-allocation that the generic version requires and thus perform significantly faster.

To save space, the modules corresponding to dimensionalities you don’t need, or even all the specialized modules, can be deleted with no loss of functionality. This package can also work without the generic version, using only specialized versions, but you would only be able to use those particular dimensionalities.

Classes that support pickling result in the exact same output, regardless of whether the specialized or generic versions were used when pickled. When unpickled, the specialized versions are used when available.

Note that equivalent types between the generic and specific versions are not compatible with each other (e.g. an instance tracern.Vector cannot be added to an instance of tracer3.Vector even if they have the same dimension).