

template<typename Coord, typename Index = std::size_t>
struct point_and_origin

Public Members

point_t<Coord> p
std::span<const Index> original_points

template<typename Index = std::size_t>
class origin_point_tracker : public poly_ops::i_point_tracker<std::size_t>


template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Input>
void add_offset(
clipper<Coord, Index> &n,
Input &&input,
bool_set set,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,
i_point_tracker<Index> *pt = nullptr,


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “add_offset” with arguments (tclipper<Coord, Index, Tracker>&, Input&&, bool_set, real_coord_t<Coord>, bool, std::type_identity_t<Coord>) in doxygen xml output for project “polyops” from directory: /home/runner/work/polyops/polyops/build/doc/xml. Potential matches:

- template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Input> void add_offset(clipper<Coord, Index> &n, Input &&input, bool_set set, real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude, std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size, bool closed = true, i_point_tracker<Index> *pt = nullptr)
- template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Tracker, typename Input> void add_offset(tclipper<Coord, Index, Tracker> &n, Input &&input, bool_set set, real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude, std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size, bool closed = true)

template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Input>
void add_offset_subject(
clipper<Coord, Index> &n,
Input &&input,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,

template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Tracker, typename Input>
void add_offset_subject(
tclipper<Coord, Index, Tracker> &n,
Input &&input,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,

template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Input>
void add_offset_clip(
clipper<Coord, Index> &n,
Input &&input,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,

template<typename Coord, typename Index, typename Tracker, typename Input>
void add_offset_clip(
tclipper<Coord, Index, Tracker> &n,
Input &&input,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
std::type_identity_t<Coord> arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “offset” with arguments (Input&&, real_coord_t<Coord>, Coord, bool, Tracker&&, std::pmr::memory_resource*) in doxygen xml output for project “polyops” from directory: /home/runner/work/polyops/polyops/build/doc/xml. Potential matches:

- template<bool TreeOut, typename Coord, typename Index = std::size_t, typename Input, typename Tracker> std::conditional_t<TreeOut, temp_polygon_tree_range<Coord, Index, Tracker>, temp_polygon_range<Coord, Index, Tracker>> offset(Input &&input, real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude, Coord arc_step_size, Tracker &&tracker, bool closed = true, std::pmr::memory_resource *contig_mem = nullptr)
- template<bool TreeOut, typename Coord, typename Index = std::size_t, typename Input> std::conditional_t<TreeOut, temp_polygon_tree_range<Coord, Index>, temp_polygon_range<Coord, Index>> offset(Input &&input, real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude, Coord arc_step_size, bool closed = true, std::pmr::memory_resource *contig_mem = nullptr)

template<bool TreeOut, typename Coord, typename Index = std::size_t, typename Input>
std::conditional_t<TreeOut, temp_polygon_tree_range<Coord, Index>, temp_polygon_range<Coord, Index>> offset(
Input &&input,
real_coord_t<Coord> magnitude,
Coord arc_step_size,
bool closed = true,
std::pmr::memory_resource *contig_mem = nullptr,